Art > Word Garden

base map of first quadrant
base map of first quadrant

This is what the first quadrant looks like under all the booklets. I wanted to make sure this first prototype could be printed and assembled from a free download, without any special materials, skills, or equipment. This base plan is pasted up from four 11x17 copies, so it doesn’t have to be professionally printed. It can be mounted on readily-available sizes of illustration board, or directly on a bulletin board. The freestanding version has an accordion-fold structure, with a hinge down the middle of each quadrant to make it easier to mail or store. For the booklets, I used a five-color pack of cardstock. Each 8 ½” x 11” page yields four booklets with no waste. There is a fair amount of cutting and folding required, but none of it is especially difficult. Once the complete prototype is ready for download, I'll post it with instructions and a list of materials.