Art > Word Garden

Word Garden--detail
Word Garden--detail

My favorite experience in an art museum is if an artwork appeals to me from across the room, and then when I walk up to it I'm rewarded with a rich level of detail that was not immediately apparent. Really, that's one of the finer things in life, isn't it, a satisfying relationship between parts and a whole?

Each active cell of the matrix has a little fold-out booklet. In this photo, three of them in the N column are open to varying degrees.

Opening the booklet reveals a page of five simple one-syllable words with the same rime, and a page of words extending that rime into consonant blends. Here in the fertile N column, the rime “-an” extends into "and hand land plant chance pants."

The second page turn reveals five more words and a sentence, such as, "We launched the monster contest at dawn, on the lawn by the haunted pond."

A third page turn reveals two pages of more complex words, such as "funny money honey running hundred / wonder thunder sunlight Sunday Monday". A vertical line marks the boundary between one-syllable words and those with two or more.

That's it. Up to 26 words are listed in each booklet, generally moving from simple to more complex.